Village Kanda Khalsa, Sitonsyun is the village of the founder President of the organization so selected as Project Village to start its activities first. The village was just 12 km away from district head quarter Pauri but very far from development. There was no connectivity of link road, for drinking water people used to fetch water from "Dhara" (water source) 2 or 3 km away. There was open defecation all around of the village. Village land was nude without trees of forest and fruit plants. The organization started its activities in its project village with the co-operation and full involvement of villagers in the activities of the organization. At present the village has drinking water and separate toilet at every house hold. It is connected with link road. There is growing forest and fruit plants at every house hold.

Parivartan Grameen Samaj Sevi Sanstha started its work of planting tree sapling by the students and teachers of Shri Guru Ram Public School Pauri for environment awareness. Forest department Pauri availed plants free of cost for this noble cause each year and participated with the organization. Since 1997 the organization got Awareness campaign fromUttarakhand Sevanidhi Almora with the financial support from the Ministry of Forest and Environment.
PGSSS selected Saldang Gad (A stream) for water conservation. The four gabion check dams are constructed here but two have RCC toward inside in expectation to raise the river bed up and store water for irrigation in due years keeping the view of biodiversity of the area not to close water flow permanently. The stream bed will rise in coming years and adjoining land will also be irrigated properly for better crops.

PGSSS has a little programme of forestation. The pine groves have reached beyond the limit everywhere in the area which is very prone to fire and preventing other vegetation to nearby so an idea to develop mixed forestation and contour trenches to hold the rain water to underground in a hectare land. In this the organization not only planted forest plants but also planted fruit plants as mango, guava, pomegranate, walnut, peach, apricot and plum in village Kanda Khalsa expecting to raise water table of related area and the economy in coming years
The organization arranged promotional tour to the stakeholders of mini dairy to different places for skill development and to motivate them for good dairy practices. They are advised for the mutual cooperation and join hands for their economic growth. They are also introduced the processing, grading and packaging to value addition of the produce

PGSSS availed seed kits of chili, ginger and turmeric to the SHGs and Kisan Clubs and arranged training programme to the beneficiaries. The Horticulture Office of Pauri supported the organization with 50% subsidy in the rates of the seed of ginger and turmeric. Although the time of the crop is 9 month for ginger and turmeric. Chili takes 4 months for harvesting. This year there was heavy rain and the result of chili could not get as expected even then the organization tried to give the training of making pickle as value addition of the produce. Ginger and turmeric has good production. The stakeholders kept the seed for next crop and sold the produce to the market. PGSSS also purchased 500 kg of chili, 3000 kg turmeric and 2000 kg of ginger from the stakeholder and started to process that for the marketing. The organization also purchased local food grains like ragi, sawan, gahath dal, soyabeen, tuhar dal, hari dal and sesame from the SHGs and took all the material in the state fair at Pauri on 9th November 2016 on the Uttarakhand Day celebration. It is only to encourage local farmers to produce their traditional crops with assurance for marketing